The purpose of Yoga and the challenge of the Tan today.
There are many new branches of yoga today, and some of them are quite nonsensical.
It is strange that in the new types of yoga the real purpose of yoga is being overshadowed.
There is now a huge market for "yoga", and with it a huge market value.
Nowadays it is sold like fruit,
"it makes you healthier and therefore happier".
They sell it with false promises, false gurus. And false Gurus harm the teaching.
It should be taken into account that everyone should teach and practice to the best of their ability.
Teaching yoga will not work if we tell people what the right path is without value.
The teaching of yoga will not reach its goal if it is empty, if it does not contain its true essence.
And practitioners need to be receptive so that the teaching, the knowledge that they are being given, is effective.
But that knowledge has to be ethical, it has to have value. That knowledge must be real.
It is the attitude that is inherent, that comes from within.
The yoga methodology is about self-development, as we practice we observe ourselves and in doing so we can get to know our innermost self better.
Step by step, we open our minds and open our hearts to something from above.
The path cannot be shortened. That's cheating. Don't fool yourself and don't let yourself be fooled.
You do have to go all the way to reap the fruits of the deed.
You cannot start with asana, because yoga is not just a physical movement.
I get a lot of people coming to me who start out with the idea that
"I have been doing yoga for years", "I practice 2 times a week".
Of course, it soon becomes clear that they are only practicing asana. Not Ahimsa.
They are violent to themselves and therefore to others and allow others to be violent to them.
Yoga for me, a yogi, starts with the Yamas and Niyamas,
progressing step-by-step through the 8 steps.
It is not the practitioners who are at fault for claiming to be practitioners for the sake of 2 sessions a week, but the false "masters" who teach without ethics, without yamas and niyamas.
You need to be interested in the whole.
Real yoga is not just the learning of the doctrine, but the understanding of the knowledge gained through experience.
Practice! If you have 2 sessions a week go and practice, but be aware that if you only practice on the physical plane, you will not easily make deep rooted changes spiritually.
Without ethics and philosophy, yoga is incomplete. Without the yamas and niyamas, yoga is not yoga.
And I think a yoga teacher has a duty to live up to these ideas.
He has a duty to be honest, moral and to focus on his duties.
And the biggest trap in this case is also the ego.
The constant interlude with the ego. We struggle with our own, with others.
With narcissistic situations, connections, bonds.
And in yoga this is very true.
You sit down on your mat as a beginner, an advanced and every day you're different.
What worked yesterday, doesn't work today. What works for him, doesn't work for you.
He's already over it, but you're stuck in it.
"I can and I will teach you. I am the yoga teacher. "
After that sentence, run away.
For me, practice is practice.
I believe that together we can overcome the ego through practice.
I confess that you practice with me, let's practice together and through that you experience.
Don't fall into the trap of thinking that someone will rescue your soul from the other mattress, or
from the chair, from the show, from the camp, from your community page.
The guru, the master, the yoga teacher.
They don't know. Only you know for yourself.
"The master can give the teaching to the one who is worthy of the knowledge."
But knowledge cannot be sold or bought.
I believe that we will be able to absorb knowledge if we do our best to earn it.
We want to earn it. We want to be worthy of the doctrine, so it becomes a spiritual path.
Are you really looking for yoga?
Will you look into it?
Do you appreciate the doctrine?
Do you accept the teaching?
In my everyday life, I find it very difficult to articulate faith to others, because faith is linked to religion, to God.
But faith, which is connected to the creator, to the universe, is essential during practice.
Everyone creates, creates. If you are good and pure, this creation and creation will result in a freer life. You begin to believe in your own power to create and create.
I believe that there is a higher will in all of us,
that longs to rise higher.
If everyone would focus on this idea, and everyone would see their creative power as their own reality, and thus evolve, it would change the whole world.
We humans are fallible, sometimes we get confused, we get desperate and
we lose sight of the real goal.
But we all long for inner peace.
As we grow, we have to realise that money, fun, the pursuit of desires are not enough in a lifetime.
And from time to time, we start to chase the idea that
"who am I?", "what would make me happy?" "what would make me complete?"
And through these, the answer is born, the goal, the well-being, the inner peace.
Practice. Find the silence, the real silence.
True silence is when we observe ourselves.
It's very scary and exhausting, because that's when emotions come out and it's very difficult to face yourself.
But the ego must be subdued and then we arrive at our true self.
With a clear mind and a noble heart, we observe our own role and position in the world.
And this deep and intimate thought can change a whole world.
Your world.
It is up to us what remains of the real yoga.
Learn from people who are committed to yoga. For whom yoga is a part of life.
Follow the path, practice, want.And one day you will no longer have to want, you will no longer feel it as a duty, you will feel it as a natural need to practice yoga.
What needs to be done? Practice, practice, practice.
According to the yamas and niyamas.
By appreciating the knowledge, the importance of the Sun and the Moon.
The Sun is life, the Moon is the essence of life.
And the practice of Hatha Yoga teaches you to do this,
appreciate life, because without perspective, the journey is not fulfilling.